Parts Sorting Services

An established parts sorting company, CDS LIPE Manufacturing provides industrial sorting services, automatic parts inspection services and parts sorting services, quality control, and containment services for automotive, aerospace, screw machine, and consumer products.  A parts sorting company since 1983, we sort parts for every industry. Click here to download a .pdf of our inspection & sorting capabilities.

An experienced parts sorting company for over four decades, we have been providing automatic inspection and sorting services to companies across the country and around the world using inspection machinery and parts sorters on our production floor. Our low overhead and ability to automate quality control equipment for in house inspection and sorting means higher efficiency, faster processing, and reduced cost to you the customer.

Recent jobs on our production floor include brass insert vision inspection, brass ammo casing sorting, pin length sorting, and bearing diameter sorting, medical parts sorting, thread presence verification and chips in the ID inspection, nut height inspection, laser length sorting, laser diameter sorting, automatic roll sorting, custom parts sorters, and vision system sorting applications, just to name a few.  Here’s more..

Check out these other video clips for more information:

See the following for Inspection Machinery currently on our production floor.  Since CDS LIPE Manufacturing designs and builds custom automated machinery and parts sorters, additional in-house equipment can be modified to provide industrial parts sorting services for your specific application.

Automatic inspection machinery and parts sorting machinery currently on our floor can be configured for a wide variety of parts inspection and parts sorting applications. Whether it’s length inspection, inside diameter sorting, outside diameter sorting, depth inspection, width inspection, height inspection, feature presence, foreign material, mixed parts sorting, thread inspection, brass insert sorting, or whatever your requirement, we’ve got a solution for your quality control application.

Roll Sorting Machine  Vision Sorting MachineLength Sorting ServicesDiameter Sorting Services

Contact Us today for a free analysis of your parts sorting requirement.  We would be happy to provide a quotation for your application, and send you more information about our parts inspection and industrial parts sorting services